
Safe HaskellNone



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trace' :: String -> a -> a

data Tree a


Lf a 
(Tree a) :-> (Tree a) 
Tup [Tree a] 


Eq a => Eq (Tree a) 
Ord a => Ord (Tree a) 
Show a => Show (Tree a) 

treeIndexBase :: Int

treeIndexBase. Index of first element of |a tree tuple.

showTree :: Show a => Tree a -> String

flattenTree :: Tree v -> [v]

flattenTree tree. Flattens tree using a depth first traversal, |returning the list of its leaves.

treeLeaf :: Show a => String -> Tree a -> a

treeLeaf takes a tree and if it is a leaf, returns it, or otherwise |throws the error message given.

alignTrees :: Show a => Show b => String -> Tree a -> Tree b -> [(a, Tree b)]

alignTrees treeA treeB aligns treeA and treeB to produce |a mapping from treeA leaves to treeB nodes. If the trees |don't fit/have the same shape, then an error is thrown.

zipTrees :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree (a, Tree b)

zipTrees treeA treeB. Assuming treeA is a subset of treeB |returns a new tree with all children in b dangling from those |in a. Throws error otherwise.

zipSubTrees :: (Show a, Show b) => Tree a -> Tree b -> [(Tree a, Tree b)]

zipSubTrees treeA treeB. Returns a list of associated subtrees, for e.g. | zipSubTrees (Tup [Tup [Lf a, Lf b], Lf c]) (Tup [Lf x, Tup [Lf y, Lf z]]) = | [(Tup [Lf a, Lf b], Lf x), (Lf c, Tup [Lf y, Lf z])]. This will fail if two |tuples at the same level have different numbers of children, or if a tuple is |at the same level as a lambda etc.

visitTreeM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Tree b)) -> Tree a -> m (Tree b)

visitTreeM visits the tree using a depth first traversal |and creates a new tree using the monadic function to transform |its leaf values.

visitTree :: (a -> Tree b) -> Tree a -> Tree b

mapTree f tree. Returns a tree where all leaf values have been transformed |using f.

mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b

mapTree f tree. Returns a tree where all leaf values have been transformed |using f.

treeToList :: Tree a -> [a]

treeToList takes a tree and returns a list of its elements |created using a depth first traversal

type TreePath = [Int]

visitTreeWithPath :: Monad m => (TreePath -> a -> m (Tree b)) -> TreePath -> Tree a -> m (Tree b)

growTree :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> (TreePath -> a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c

growTree smallTree largeTree newLeaf. Grows smallTree |to be the same size and shape of largeTree, by creating |new nodes with newLeaf.

lookupTreeNodeMaybe :: Show a => Tree a -> TreePath -> Maybe (Tree a)

lookupTreeNodeMaybe tree path. Looks up the node at path |in tree, or returns Nothing if doesn't exist.

lookupTreeNode :: Show a => String -> Tree a -> TreePath -> Tree a

lookupTreeNode errMsg tree path. Looks up the node at path |in tree, or throws an error if it does not exist.

lookupTreeNodeOrLeaf :: Show a => String -> Tree a -> TreePath -> Tree a

lookupTreeNodeOrLeaf errMsg tree path. Follows the tree path, |to return either the node at the path, or a leaf, |whatever comes first.

replaceTreeNode :: Show a => TreePath -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a

replaceTreeNode path newNode oldTree. Returns oldTree where the node |at path has been replaced with newNode, or throws error if no such path |exists in oldTree.

subPaths :: [(TreePath, a)] -> TreePath -> [(TreePath, a)]

subPaths pathList pathPrefix. Filters pathList returning only |those for which pathPrefix is a prefix. Note: Here first element |is root of tree.

createTreeFromPaths :: Show v => [(TreePath, v)] -> TreePath -> Tree v

createTreeFromPaths paths currentPathPrefix. Takes a list of tree paths, with labels and leaves |and builds them into a labelled tree.Note: head element of paths is root node in tree.

searchTree :: (a -> [b]) -> Tree a -> [b]

searchTree searchFun tree. Visits all leaves |returning a list of values generated by the searchFun.

filterTree :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [a]

filterTree pred tree. Accumulates all leaf values for which the |predicate pred holds.

treeContains :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Bool

treeContains pred tree. Returns true if tree contains |a leaf for which the predicate pred holds.

tidyTree :: Tree a -> Tree a

tidyTree tree. Pulls up tuples of length 1.

data LabelledTree l v

LabelledTree l v - a tree where every node has a label


LLf l v 
LFun l (LabelledTree l v) (LabelledTree l v) 
LTup l [LabelledTree l v] 


(Eq l, Eq v) => Eq (LabelledTree l v) 
(Show a, Show l) => Show (LabelledTree l a)

Show instance for labelled trees

flattenLTree :: LabelledTree l v -> [(l, v)]

flattenLTree tree. Flattens tree using a depth first |traversal, returning a list of its leaves and their labels.

treeLabel :: Show l => Show v => LabelledTree l v -> l

treeLabel tree. Returns the label of a labelled tree.

labelledTreePath :: (Show a, Show b) => LabelledTree a b -> TreePath -> LabelledTree a b

labelledTreePath tree path. Looks up the node at path |in tree, or throws an error if it does not exist.

zipLabelledTrees :: (Show l1, Show l2, Show v1, Show v2) => LabelledTree l1 v1 -> LabelledTree l2 v2 -> LabelledTree l1 (v1, LabelledTree l2 v2)

zipLabelledTrees treeA treeB. Assuming treeA is a subset of treeB |returns a new tree with all children in b dangling from those |in a. Throws error otherwise. Keeps labels from treeA.

toLabelledTree :: Tree a -> LabelledTree () a

toLabelledTree tree. Converts a tree to a labelled tree.

fromLabelledTree :: LabelledTree a b -> Tree b

Converts from a labelled tree back to a normal |tree, disgarding the labels.

visitLabelledTreeM :: Monad m => (l -> a -> m (LabelledTree l b)) -> LabelledTree l a -> m (LabelledTree l b)

visitLabelledTreeM visits the tree using a depth first traversal |and creates a new tree using the monadic function to transform |its leaf values.

mapLabels :: (l1 -> a -> b) -> (l1 -> l2) -> LabelledTree l1 a -> LabelledTree l2 b

mapLabels f tree. Natural transformation of labelled tree labels.

createTreePathTree :: TreePath -> LabelledTree a b -> LabelledTree TreePath ()

createTreePathTree rootPath tree. Returns a tree with labels that are |tree paths for each node.

data LfTy

Contains vars instance for Tree

Data types


type Ty = Tree LfTy

type TyScheme = Scheme Ty

Contains vars instance for LfTy

funTy :: Graph -> Ty

lfTy :: String -> [Ty] -> Tree LfTy

isScalTy :: Ty -> Bool

isScalTy type. Returns if type is a |scalar type.

getVarsInLfTy :: LfTy -> Set String

getVarTys lfTy. Returns the set of var ids in a leaf type.

mapGraphsInTyM :: Monad m => (Graph -> m Graph) -> Ty -> m Ty

mapGraphsInTy f ty. Applies f to all graphs in ty.

mapGraphsInTy :: (Graph -> Graph) -> Ty -> Ty

mapGraphsInTy f ty. Applies f to all graphs in ty.

getGraphsInTy :: Ty -> [Graph]

returns list of all graphs in this type.

data ScalVal

Scalar literals

scalValType :: ScalVal -> Ty

scalValType val. Returns the type of this literal value.

type NodeId = Int

Node ids

data NodeTy

Node types


Eq NodeTy 
Ord NodeTy 
Show NodeTy 
DotDrawable NodeTy

Instance of DotDrawable for graph node attributes.

data Node

DFG nodes




nodeId :: NodeId
nodeIn :: [NodeId]
nodeOut :: [NodeId]
nodeTy :: NodeTy


Eq Node 
Ord Node 
Show Node 
DotDrawable Node

Instance of DotDrawable for graph nodes.

type NodeEnv a = IntMap a

Map from node ids to objects

lookupNode :: Show a => String -> NodeId -> NodeEnv a -> a

looks up a member from a node environment or throws an |error with the given message

lookupNodeMaybe :: Key -> IntMap a -> Maybe a

lookupNodeMaybe nodeId nodeEnv. Looks up the node, or |returns Nothing if it could not be found.

duplicateNodeEnvIds :: Show a => NodeEnv NodeId -> NodeEnv a -> NodeEnv a

duplicateNodeEnvIds newIds oldEnv. Duplicates all entries in oldEnv |that exist in newIds, giving them the new ids defined in newIds, and then |returns all the original entries, and these new duplicated ones.

buildNodeTree :: [Graph] -> NodeId -> Ty -> NodeTreeEx

buildNodeTree graph nodeId type. Takes a graph and a node, and returns a |node tree of all its neighbours node ids. However this tree now also contains |leaves that access tuple values within a given node, which are identified |by treepaths.

buildInputNodeTree :: [Graph] -> Node -> NodeTree

buildInputNodeTree graph node. Builds a node tree from the input nodes |of a node.

getInputNodeBeforeTuple :: [Graph] -> Node -> Node

If node is a TupAccNode and it's input is a TupNd, shortcuts them |to immediately get the original node.

buildOutputNodeTree :: [Graph] -> Node -> NodeTree

buildOutputNodeTree takes a node, and looks through all its outputs |for tuple accessors, creating a labelled tree of output nodes.

getGraphsInTys :: NodeEnv Ty -> [Graph]

Returns all graphs in a type env.

extendTyTree :: v1 -> LabelledTree v2 v3 -> LabelledTree (v1, TreePath) ()

extendTyTree nodeId typeTree. Converts type tree into a tree of labels |for paths into it.

extendNodeTreeWithType :: NodeTree -> Ty -> NodeTreeEx

extendNodeTreeWithType tree type. Align tree with the |type and expand any leaves of tree that have tuple type |to provide leaves to access each of the tuple parts.

data Graph


Eq Graph 
Ord Graph 
Show Graph 
DotDrawable Graph

Instance of DotDrawable for Digraphs.

showSubgraphs :: Graph -> String

showSubgraphs g. Shows g and all the subgraphs nested in FunNds.

newGraph :: [Node] -> NodeId -> NodeId -> Map String NodeId -> Graph

newGraph creates a new graph from a list of nodes

seqComposeGraphs :: Graph -> Graph -> Graph

Sequentially compose graphs so g2 is applied after g1.

graphsContain :: [Graph] -> NodeId -> Bool

graphsContain graph nodeId. Returns true if one of the graphs |contains a node with id nodeId.

findInGraph :: (Node -> Bool) -> Graph -> [Node]

findInGraph nodeTy graph. Searches graph for |nodes with nodeTy and returns a list of all the nodes |that do.

lookupGraphNodeMaybe :: String -> NodeId -> [Graph] -> Maybe Node

lookupGraphNodeMaybe nid graph. Searches up graphs, |checking the current graph, and if it doesn't contain it |checking it's parent.

lookupGraphVarNode :: String -> Node -> [Graph] -> [Graph] -> Node

lookupGraphVarNode msg node allGraphs graphs. If node is a varNode called |something other than in or out, then this function searches up the |graph stack for a node bound to that name. If one exists, it then searches |from the leaf graph up to the root again (using allGraphs) to find this node, |returning it if it is found, or throwing an error otherwise.

lookupNodeLeafGraph :: String -> NodeId -> [Graph] -> Maybe Node

lookupNodeLeafGraph errMsg nid graph. If in leaf graph, returns it. |If in parent graphs, returns Nothing. If in none of them, throws error.

maxNodeId :: Graph -> NodeId

maxNodeId graph. Finds the maximum node id |in the graph, grahp's parents, and all fun nodes of that graph.

replaceNodeIds :: IntMap NodeId -> Graph -> Graph

replaceNodeIds newNidMap graph. Returns a copy of the graph, |with the node ids replaced with the new ones in newNidMap.

removeParentNodes :: IntMap Node -> Graph -> Graph

removeParentNodes parNodes graph. Removes all nodes with |id's that exist in parNodes from graph. Also removes all |nodes with ids in parNodes or graph, from all graphs nested |in FunNd in graph.

getNodes :: String -> [Graph] -> [NodeId] -> [Node]

gets the nodes from node ids for a given graph

getNodeCons :: Graph -> NodeId -> NodeId -> Set [Int] -> (Set NodeId, Set NodeId)

getNodeCons graph prevNodeId curNodeId tupPaths. Recursively looks at node |outputs to find all consumers of the value identified by the |current node and tuple paths (which identify the relevant |subvalues of the current node's value). Returns a set of |all tup and tup acc that proceed the consumers, and the set of |consumers themselves.

getNodeConsumers :: Graph -> NodeId -> (Set NodeId, Set NodeId)

getConsumers graph nodeId. Searches through all outputs, |and tuple, and tuple accessor nodes, finding consumers of the |value produced by this node. Returns a set of the nodes that |proceed these consumer nodes (and so may receive |values from the consumers), and the node ids of the consumer |nodes themselves.

visitNodeM :: Monad m => ([Graph] -> Node -> m ()) -> [Graph] -> NodeId -> StateT (NodeEnv ()) m ()

visitNodeM f graph nodeId. if the node specified by nodeId has not already been visited |visits all its inputs, and then applies f to itself.

visitGraphM :: Monad m => ([Graph] -> Node -> m ()) -> [Graph] -> m ()

visitGraphM visitF graph. Depth first traversal of a graph, applying |visitF to each node, never visiting the same node twice.

maxDepthVisitor :: Monad m => [Graph] -> Node -> StateT (NodeEnv Int) m ()

maxDepthVisitor graph node. Records the maximum depth of this node in |the state. I.e. the number of nodes above it's deepest input.

type PartNodeFun m = [NodeId] -> m [[NodeId]]

visitDeepestNodeM :: Monad m => PartNodeFun m -> ([Graph] -> Node -> m ()) -> [Graph] -> NodeEnv Int -> NodeId -> StateT (NodeEnv ()) m ()

visitDeepestNodeM pf f graph depths nodeId. if the node specified by nodeId has not already been visited |visits all its inputs, in order of descending depth, and then applies f to itself. |Uses pf to partition node lists into different groups, where the groups should be visited |in the order they appear in the list, but where members of groups can appear in any order.

cycleVisitor :: Monad m => [Graph] -> Node -> StateT (Set Int, [Int]) m ()

cycleVisitor checks there are no cycles in our graph.

visitDeepestGraphM :: Monad m => PartNodeFun m -> ([Graph] -> Node -> m ()) -> [Graph] -> m ()

visitDeepestGraphM visitF graph. Visits the nodes in the graph in deepest |first depth first traversal. I.e. it visits the deepest leaves, before shallower |ones.